Monday, September 23, 2013

weekly wishes #1

ok, so im starting something new over here that maybe im a little bit nervous about. every monday im going to be linking up with melyssa at the nectar collective, for "weekly wishes" , where everyone shares their goals, challenges, wishes, etc. for the upcoming week. a LOT of the blogs ive been following lately have been doing it for a while, and i really enjoy reading everyone elses weekly wishes, so i thought id give it a shot too (also, this totally goes with my fall goal of making a more regular blogging schedule). so here we go. 

since i just started this week, i dont have any last weeks goals to revisit, but heres whats been on my mind this last week:

1. we have maybe, possibly been spending a little too much time at disneyland lately. if there is such a thing as too much disneyland, anyways. you know how we went last thursday? well we also went yesterday, and are going back this thursday for my dads birthday. on the one hand this is isnt really a problem because we crossed the "free disneyland" line with our passes a LONG time ago (like, in december), but on the other hand, alice is kind of expecting to get to go to disneyland every day. the good news is that alices character autograph book is almost full though. 

2. my "real job" is just about in the toilet. so you know how i work very, very, very part time at joanns? this used to mean that i taught two or three classes a week, for a total of 8-12 hours, but lately there have been some corporate-level changes that have caused, oh, EVERY SINGLE one of my classes for the past six weeks to be cancelled. obviously this is totally NOT OK because our budget at this point kind of depends on me bringing in a part-time income. i am getting a few hours this week to make some product samples (for the november/december classes), but unless something changes soon, this whole "working at joanns" thing may have run its course. the good news here is that this is just the kick in the pants that i needed to start actually pursuing self-employment. 

so thats that, now lets just dive right in to my goals for this upcoming week:

1. get all the crafting done for alices birthday party. alices birthday party is next saturday and im totally freaking out because ive done nothing. obviously the food and supply shopping cant be done until next week once weve got a final headcount, but this week i have a party dress, buntings, and party favors to make, before i start really freaking out. 

2. decide what i want to do for my birthday. i know this really shouldnt be that difficult, but i honestly have NO idea what i want to do. on top of that, i dont really have a "group" of friends, rather i have several separate individual friends that dont really know each other, and about a million food allergies so going out is not exactly an easy feat. honestly, im willing to take suggestions from strangers, what do you think i should do?

those are my wishes for the week, what are yours?

The Nectar Collective

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